7 Genres with stories sorted by title
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Crime (16)
- A Healthy Man by Matt Wile
- American Hitsuzen by Michael Bettendorf
- Carousel's by Shaun Anthony McMichael
- Comfort Zone by KC Grifant
- Crunch Thump Thump by P. R. O’Leary
- Downsizing by Jess Simms
- Greg: Not a People Person by L.P. Ring
- Le Petit Cornichon by L Swartz
- Nancy, Please by Steve Boseley
- Praedial Larceny by Wayne McCray
- Snow Over Interstate 80 by Martin M. Clark
- Summer in Duncanny by Peter Wynd
- The Amazing Mermaid by Arlen Feldman
- The Four Bill Club by Donald McCarthy
- The Vanishing Diminutive Girl Trick by David Sheskin
- Wendigo by Kirk Bueckert
Fantasy (66)
- A Curse at Midnight by Moustapha Mbacké Diop
- A Tale of Salt and Oak by Voss McVeigh
- Alight by Skye Allen
- April the Last by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Central Casting by Chris Penycate
- Come Buy, Come Buy by E. Saxey
- Cottage in the Woods by Carl Walmsley
- Death is Like a Box of Chocolates by Fraser Sherman
- Death plus One by Martin M. Clark
- Don Juans & Dragoons by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Equus Magna by John A. Frochio
- Every Hat is a Crown by Mike Morgan
- Fly Away, Peter by J. Livermore
- Friends in High Places by Emma Burnett
- God Blinked by Martin M. Clark
- Grave Misfortune by Stephen Heuser
- Harryette, Brick’d, Belov’d by Daniel Rabuzzi
- How Manuel Left the Mire by James Branch Cabell
- Ilysveil: Tigers Can Remember by J. H. Zech
- Ilysveil: Twin Dawn Rising by J. H. Zech
- Ilysveil: You Can Only Observe by J. H. Zech
- Interlocking Grains of Light by LM Zaerr
- Into the Darkness by Lee F. Patrick
- Jacob and the Wolf by Rina Song
- JohnBear, Janine, and I by Hermester Barrington
- Living on Reputation by Alistair Bain
- Magdalena and the Dragon by Peter Morrison
- Melkart The Herdsman by Mark Mellon
- Mine Own by Sharon Dawn Selby
- Not-man Kidnaps a Sheep by Jennifer Jeanne McArdle
- Nwanebeakwa by Chinaza Eziaghighala
- Oh Dreary Me by Matthew Kirshenblatt
- Prometheus’ Kidneys by Meg Candelaria
- Silverfish, Noun; Help, Verb by Gabrielle Bleu
- Sketches of Snoak City by Les Sklaroff
- Slippage by Les Sklaroff
- Snow Over Interstate 80 by Martin M. Clark
- Sticky Dreams by Mary Hiers
- Stranded at the Station by Trisha McKee
- Supply & Demand by Martin Clark
- Swans Will Be Swans by Elizabeth Zuckerman
- Thagdar the Immutable by Les Sklaroff
- The 1002nd Night by Gil Williamson
- The Broken Bones of Summer by Xan van Rooyen
- The Cat and the Cosmic Horror by Pritesh Patil and Percy Wadiwala
- The Cross of Xenophor by Jeffery Scott Sims
- The Door with no Key by Gil Williamson
- The Fashionistas by Gregory L. Norris
- The Fountain of Youth by Steve Slavin
- The Gourmets by Jeff Reynolds
- The Huntress and the Conveyor Worlds by Daniel Ausema
- The Lost World of WW1 by Liam Baldwin
- The Maneater of Tiruchery by Chaitanya Murali
- The Quartermaster Trial by Daniel Ausema
- The School for the Hopeless and Forgotten by Anna Zumbro
- The Sedona House by Jeffery Scott Sims
- The Summoning by Chris Penycate
- The Woodcutter and the Witchwife by Owen G. Tabard
- Thy Servant, Death by Scott J. Couturier
- Tintype Trolls by Teresa Milbrodt
- Touch Wood by Sandee Bree Breathnach
- Troublemaker, Storyteller by Jonathon Mast
- Welcome to the Neighborhood by Rebecca Birch
- What Comes After Winter by Kurt Hunt
- Xorai’s Hand by Celine Low
- Zamalek, by the Evening Light by Mike Adamson
Horror (31)
- A Natural Selection by Matthew Kirshenblatt
- A Small Intrusion by Les Sklaroff
- Alonya and Ivan by Elana Gomel
- Balk by Lucy Zhang
- Blazon by Matthew Kirshenblatt
- Blood and Souls by Peter Morrison
- Border Patrol by Don Mark Baldridge
- Cartoon by Liam Baldwin
- Embryo by Elena Sichrovsky
- Experimental Diet by Andrew Johnston
- From an Evening at the Cinema by Matthew Kirshenblatt
- His Fly Undid Him by Matthew Kirshenblatt
- Jacob and the Wolf by Rina Song
- Jinny Greenteeth by Cathy Bryant
- La Voix d'un Ange by Kirk Bueckert
- My Beloved is Mine by Jude Clee
- Nwanebeakwa by Chinaza Eziaghighala
- Something Else by Dane Erbach
- The Cat and the Cosmic Horror by Pritesh Patil and Percy Wadiwala
- The Cross of Xenophor by Jeffery Scott Sims
- The Curse of Yig by H.P.Lovecraft and Zealia Bishop
- The Fashionistas by Gregory L. Norris
- The Kid is Killing Me by Aubrey Taylor
- The Night Parents by Valerie Alexander
- The Price of Youth by Moon Bhatt
- The Sedona House by Jeffery Scott Sims
- The Tale of the Ten Teacups by Tom Davies
- The Witches Curse by Matthew Wilson
- Umpire of Desolation by Hannah Hulbert
- Unknown Ancestry by T. M. Morgan
- Up and Down by J. Siegal
Non-Fiction (3)
- An Interview with Francesco Verso by Andrew Leon Hudson
- An interview with Micah Hyatt by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Artificial-Artificial Intelligence by Andrew Leon Hudson
Poetry (1)
- Plague Rooster by Micah Hyatt
Science Fiction (148)
- A Day Like Any Other by Martin Clark
- A Grave of Wind and Leaves by Jalyn Renae Fiske
- A Messenger, Deceased by Martin Clark
- A New World Order by John A. Frochio
- A Preference for Cheese by Les Sklaroff
- A Vacant Chair Beside the Hearth by John A. Frochio
- Adalet by Jez Patterson
- Alonya and Ivan by Elana Gomel
- An Odd Recurring Dream by James Davidson
- Android 0-CLE5 by Lester Linesmith
- Appropriate Technology by Gil Williamson
- Are Friends Eclectic by Jez Patterson
- Atmoboarders! by Martin Zeigler
- Aye-Nay by Jez Patterson
- Baker's Dozen by Martin Clark
- Beyond the Sky by Liam Baldwin
- Blood Poisoning by D. S. White
- Bodyfellas by Martin Clark
- Boffin by Les Sklaroff
- Border Incident by Gil Williamson
- Boy with Brick by Sydney Sackett
- Charlotte Wang Knows Everythang by Chris Lites
- Comfort Zone by KC Grifant
- Conspiracy Theory by Les Sklaroff
- Cuffs, Padlocks, and a Splattering of Nail Polish by Uchechukwu Nwaka
- Day Trip by Gil Williamson
- Distant and Remote by Jez Patterson
- Distant Skies by Charlotte Ashley
- E Pluribus Unum by Mame Bougouma Diene
- Embryo by Elena Sichrovsky
- Emigration by Liam Baldwin
- Emoticon by Barry Charman
- Everything's Jake by Christopher Cook
- Experimental Diet by Andrew Johnston
- Falling Back by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Fiat Lux by Les Sklaroff
- First Breath by Addison Smith
- First In, Last Out by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Flesh Doubt by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Fly Away, Peter by J. Livermore
- Fractured by Gunnar De Winter
- Freewheeling by Annie Percik
- Full Metal Grandma by Paul Alex Gray
- Good Old Days by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Good Vibrations by Steve Slavin
- Green Bullet by Melanie Manner
- Headspace by Mark Martin
- Hector by Gil Williamson
- Helsinki by Gil Williamson
- His Turn to Remember by John A. Frochio
- Hong Kong by Gil Williamson
- Hook, Line, and Sinker by Addison Smith
- How to Get AI to Like You by Aaron Emmel
- Iceweb - Interactive Fiction by Gil Williamson
- In The Weave by David Whitmarsh
- Infinite by Chisom Umeh
- Interlude in Green by Martin M. Clark
- Log of the Mustang Sally - Turner by Gil Williamson
- Lost City by D. S. White
- Madras Point by Martin M. Clark
- Marciano by Charlotte H. Lee
- Maximum Law by Martin M. Clark
- Mindbleed by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Mirror, Mirror by Patrick Boylan
- Mount Elysium by Gil Williamson
- Mount Elysium Revisited by Gil Williamson
- Must Be in the Fifties by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Neurofinancer by Twilite Minotaur
- New Frankfurt by Gil Williamson
- Nighthawks by Si Wang
- Nightshade Memory by Micah Hyatt
- No Survivor by Peter Morrison
- Noise by Owen Leddy
- Of a Kind by Jez Patterson
- Outpatients by Jonathan Joseph
- Pillars of Distraction by Rob Gillham
- Plague Rooster by Micah Hyatt
- Playing Around with Arthur by Gil Williamson
- Postcards by Annabel Banks
- Proto-J by Christian Miller
- Quintet for One by Martin Clark
- Red Fever by Peter Morrison
- Ringside by Martin Clark
- Robot Rover by Jez Patterson
- Robots of Paris by Andrea Kriz
- Sailing to Tarshish by Martin Clark
- Sibyl by Les Sklaroff
- Simulations by Masha Kisel
- Sketches of Snoak City by Les Sklaroff
- Some Future Date by Callum Graham
- Sound & Fury by Martin M. Clark
- Spawn by Les Sklaroff
- Special Delivery by Gil Williamson
- Starbat by Les Sklaroff
- Strong Emergence by Jonathan Joseph
- Survivor by Peter Morrison
- Tear Drops by Andrew Leon Hudson
- Terminus Machina : Bailout by Twilite Minotaur
- The Aldous Effect by Martin M. Clark
- The American Book of the Dead by Chris Lites
- The Aquarium is Andrea by Monte Remer
- The Cat and the Cosmic Horror by Pritesh Patil and Percy Wadiwala
- The Conquest of the Earth by the Moon by Washington Irving
- The Cospauper by Christian Miller
- The Day the Shimm Stood Still by Andrew Jensen
- The Drill Hall Incident by Gil Williamson
- The Enormous Gun by Gil Williamson
- The Extrusion Project by Gil Williamson
- The Four Bill Club by Donald McCarthy
- The Ghosts of Cloud City by Twilite Minotaur
- The Huntress and the Conveyor Worlds by Daniel Ausema
- The Ingenious Patriot by Ambrose Bierce
- The Last Day of the Mute Ant by Jez Patterson
- The Log of the Mustang Sally - Tazio by Gil Williamson
- The Newest Profession by Anya Josephs
- The Note Affixed to Your Cryotube by Steven Genise
- The Plains of Abyssinia by Sean Crawford
- The Prophets Speak by Andrew Leon Hudson
- The Quartermaster Trial by Daniel Ausema
- The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes by H G Wells
- The Seed Man by Claire Scherzinger
- The Skylark of Space by E.E. (Doc) Smith
- The Tale of God's Flotsam by Tom Davies
- The Tale of the Bone Janitor by Tom Davies
- The Third Martian Dick Temple by Micah Hyatt
- The Trumpets of Jericho by Martin M. Clark
- Things I Learned From Puppets About Kindness by Steve Loiaconi
- Time Dysperception by Jack Mackenzie
- Timed Out by Jez Patterson
- Tip Diebæck’s Mentha b. Wild by Marc Phillips
- To Erm is Human by Jez Patterson
- Touch Wood by Sandee Bree Breathnach
- Toyscape by John A. Frochio
- Troubles With Word by Matthew Kirshenblatt
- Truth and Other Upgrades by Martin Clark
- Tyrannosaurus Mechs by Gregory L. Norris
- Unclear Conscience by Martin Clark
- Uneasy Money by Martin Clark
- Unincorporated by Erik Mann
- Utopia is an Island by Katie McIvor
- Voyage to the Moon by Lucian Loukianos
- Warped by Jonathan Joseph
- Warriston's Disease by Gil Williamson
- When Gretchen Met Sally by Peter Morrison
- Where the Heart Is by Alexander Zalben
- Whistle, Hum, Parp by Jez Patterson
- Winter by David Whitmarsh
- With Nothing Left by Emma Burnett
Slipstream (45)
- A Closer Look at Greeming & Trulph by Les Sklaroff
- A Deer's Inheritance by C. Owen Loftus
- An Acquisition by Les Sklaroff
- An Excursion to Platport by Les Sklaroff
- Another Change of Plan by Les Sklaroff
- Atacrast by Les Sklaroff
- Default by Elin Olausson
- Dietrich and the Baby by Tom Davies
- Dundro Fappit's Mistake by Les Sklaroff
- Eat, Monster Blue Bottle by Belinda A. Taylor
- Eavesdropping at Quoils by Les Sklaroff
- Famous Ashfordians No. 3 - The Marvellous Marjoram Mouse by Tom Davies
- Famous Ashfordians no.1 - James Goodacre by Tom Davies
- Famous Ashfordians no.2 - Samuel Ohms by Tom Davies
- Farny's Place by Les Sklaroff
- Feeling the Heat by Les Sklaroff
- Foroquont's Maze by Les Sklaroff
- Gold Plumes on Daoodhi Hills by Mandira Pattnaik
- Henry by Jez Patterson
- Hoolocks and Hellions by Les Sklaroff
- I Am What I Am Not by Tom Sheehan
- I Have No Wings and I Must Fly by Kyle E. Miller
- Intercalary Time by Thorin N. Tatge
- Liminal Spaces by David Farrow
- My Amoeboid Romance by Hermester Barrington
- Padratheleon's Ghosts by Les Sklaroff
- Pranswat Passes Through by Les Sklaroff
- Prutt's Game by Thyles Dudoriac. Fissile, Sprent & Co. by Don B Levitt
- Reunion by Les Sklaroff
- Smolehive's Anakalyptoscope by Les Sklaroff
- Snryl by Les Sklaroff
- Something Quirky by Les Sklaroff
- Spring Man by Fabiyas M. V.
- Stop 17 by Matthew Kirshenblatt
- The Gods Have No Faces by Subodhana Wijeyeratne
- The Man with Bronze Hair by Les Sklaroff
- The Parking Ticket by Steve Slavin
- The Smile of Paeony 3rdfield by Les Sklaroff
- The Temple of the Inevitable by Peter Morrison
- The Witches Curse by Matthew Wilson
- Uncle Glussog's Talent Parade, and Other Matters by Les Sklaroff
- Voyager by Amanda C. Crowley
- Weapons of Mass Entanglement by Dennis Mombauer
- Yesterday's Spoons by Les Sklaroff
- You Are a Rock God by Joelle Killian
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