Mythaxis Magazine Archive

Speculative Fiction Without Distraction

Mythaxis Magazine has been seeking out quality writing since 2008. We aim to provide a mixture of speculative fiction in classic and contemporary styles, free from the typical web trappings of click-hungry advertising, and forever free to read.

Here you will find a place for science fiction both hard and soft, fantasy both high and low, horror both harsh and humorous, along with whatever mash-ups or sub-genres our contributors can conceive.

Our complete story archives are now available to browse in a variety of ways. Click the following to:

You can also find a listing of our editorials here, though who would want to browse such a thing is unclear.

Back Issues

Since 2020, Mythaxis Magazine has shifted to a quarterly release schedule with a shiny new design and opened its doors to contributors from around the world. You can find our recent back issues here:

The Original Archive

Finally, here you can find the more than one hundred-and-fifty pieces of fiction assembled by Mythaxis Magazine’s founder, Gil Williamson, as well as our memorial issue to celebrate his memory. We’ve also preserved the hand-coded format of the original zine as a lasting testimony to his varied talents. Enjoy!
