
July 2008 edition

Blazon Matthew Kirshenblatt
Blason - a genre of poems that praised a woman by singling out different parts of her body and finding appropriate metaphors to compare them with (Wikipedia)
The 1002nd Night Gil Williamson
A Tale of Eastern Promises
The Summoning Chris Penycate
Is this where the PFY first meets the BOFH?
When Gretchen Met Sally Peter Morrison
When you decide to have cosmetic surgery, you had better be ready for the consequences.
The Conquest of the Earth by the Moon Washington Irving
A very early (1809) piece of tongue-in-cheek sf by the author of Sleepy Hollow and Rip van Winkle (from Knickerbocker's History)
From The Editor Gil Williamson
Editorial - Please do not read.

Date and time of last update 18:17 Fri 19 Feb 2010
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