
Editorial Policy

Mythaxis operates a blind submissions system for the benefit of both potential contributors and our small, skilled, and opinionated reading team. Each of our readers boast varied tastes and interests, and have no fear of telling the editor when they think he's in danger of making a grave mistake...

Nevertheless, the editor alone is responsible for the final decision of what work is to be published.

When we accept a piece, we will supply a contract for the author's signature. We will subsequently supply an edited draft of the story for their approval. Payment will be made immediately on agreement of the final draft.

If we like a piece but feel it needs more work to be considered ready to publish, we will approach the author to inquire if they are interested in receiving notes ahead of submitting a rewrite. This should not be taken as indicative of a guaranteed second draft acceptance, but we will only approach if our interest is significant.

Finally, if the author requests it when submitting, in the event of a rejection we will attempt to offer some constructive feedback on our reasons.


What we want

Some magazines will tell you, "read what we've published to learn what we're looking for". Mythaxis Magazine takes the opposite perspective: go digging through our issues and you'll find what we've published before - the best way to join us is to show us something new.

We expect submissions to demonstrate basic professionalism but recognise that to err is human, so occasional spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, punctuation slips and the like are not going to result in summary rejection. More important are things like tight plotting, engaging characters, quality of prose, believeable dialogue - if you can show us these, we're going to show interest in return.

Ultimately, the editor is a lover of good storytelling, with the emphasis on story. Whether you subscribe to “Hollywood” structuring, the beginning-middle-end philosophy, or some other narrative trend, all are welcome. By contrast, the less identifiable as “a story” your story is, the harder it will be to find a home here.

That said, we're all in favour of skilful experimentation - if you can surprise us, however you do it, that's going to go a long way!

Date and time of last update 11:09 Wed 14 Feb 2018
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